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ACCTEST517 - Acceptance Test: FEA517 Verify that maintainable documentation is created:

Test Case ID ACCTEST517
Author Heidi Muurikainen
Creation date 11.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

version 0.1 Base


This test ensures that the overall documentation for the software project is designed to be maintainable. Maintainable documentation allows for easy updates as the project evolves, ensuring ongoing clarity and value for all stakeholders.

Use Case: US061


All project documentation (e.g., user manuals, technical specifications, design documents) is readily available for review.

Test Steps

  1. Review a representative sample of project documentation across different categories (e.g., user guides, technical specs).
  2. Assess the ease of updating each document type based on factors like:
    • Structure and organization
    • Use of clear and concise language
    • Inclusion of version control mechanisms
    • Ability to incorporate references or links to related content


The reviewed project documentation exhibits clear characteristics of maintainability.

Determination of test result

Pass criteria:

  1. The project documentation is well-structured and uses clear language, facilitating easy comprehension and updates.
  2. Version control mechanisms are evident, allowing identification of changes and historical versions.
  3. References or links to related content within the documentation are readily identifiable.
  4. The team agrees that updates to any documentation type can be made efficiently and without significant effort.

Fail criteria:

  1. The documentation is difficult to understand due to poor structure or unclear language.
  2. Version control is absent or not effectively implemented.
  3. References or links within the documentation are unclear or misleading.
  4. Updating any documentation type proves to be cumbersome or time-consuming.
  5. The team concludes that the overall documentation approach hinders the maintenance of accurate and up-to-date information.


This test focuses on the maintainability aspect of the entire project documentation. Effective documentation also requires completeness, accuracy, and user-friendliness, which can be addressed in additional test cases.