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ACCTEST516 - Acceptance Test: FEA516 Verifying that exploratory testing is included in the testing process

Test case ID ACCTEST516
Author Heidi Muurikainen
Creation date 11.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base
  • version 0.2 Changed testing steps to fit Acceptance tests better


This test ensures that testers have the freedom and resources to perform exploratory testing alongside scripted test cases. Exploratory testing allows for the discovery of unexpected issues and helps identify areas where the system might not meet user needs.

Use Case: US060


  • Testers are familiar with the system functionalities and basic exploratory testing techniques
  • A set of scripted test cases have already been defined for core functionalities.

Test Steps

  1. Open Master test plan and verify it includes a report on exploratory testing.
  2. Read trhough the individual exploratory testing reports linked in the master test plan.
  3. Make sure the testing documentation matches the project constrains.
  4. Open the internal worktime reporting document and make sure the time used and reserved for testing is equal.


The project includes exploratory testing, it has been documented well and the time used for it matches what was allocated for it.

Determination of test result

Pass criteria:

  1. Master test plan inludes well documented report on the exploratory testing.
  2. The individual exploratory testing report links work.
  3. The individual exploratory testing reports are comprehensive and well documented.
  4. The time used and allocated for testing are within 10% of each other.

Fail criteria:

  1. Master test plan is lacking in exploratory testing.
  2. The links are 404.
  3. The individual testing reports are minimal or include template text.
  4. The time used and allocated differ more than 10%