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ACCTEST514 - Acceptance Test: FEA514 Monitor server loads with a GUI

Test Case ID ACCTEST514
Author Heidi Muurikainen
Creation date 8.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

version 0.1 Base


This test case verifies the functionality of the GUI for monitoring server loads.

Use Case: US037


  1. At least one server is connected to the monitoring system.
  2. The server monitoring GUI is enabled and configured.

Test Steps

  1. User logs in to the application (if required for GUI access).
  2. User navigates to the server monitoring GUI.
  3. User verifies that the GUI displays server load information.
  4. User explores the functionalities of the GUI, such as:
    • Viewing different server load metrics (e.g., CPU, memory, network)
    • Filtering data by time period or server
    • Customizing the visualization of server load data (e.g., charts, graphs)


The server monitoring GUI displays server load information for the filtered server.

Determination of test result

Pass criteria:

  1. User can successfully access the server monitoring GUI.
  2. The GUI displays server load information clearly and understandably.
  3. Users can view different server load metrics.
  4. Users can filter data by time period or server.

Fail criteria:

  1. User cannot access the server monitoring GUI.
  2. The GUI displays server load information poorly or with errors.
  3. Users cannot view essential server load metrics.
  4. Data filtering by time period or server malfunctions:
    • Selecting a time period doesn't display data for the chosen timeframe.
    • Filtering by server doesn't update the displayed data to the chosen server.


This test case can be repeated with different server load scenarios and user roles. Additional test cases can be created to focus on specific functionalities like setting alerts for critical server loads or exporting monitoring data.