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ACCTEST510 - Acceptance Test: FEA510 Establish automated testing and quality assurance processes

Test case ID ACCTEST510
Author Heidi Muurikainen
Creation date 8.3.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

version 0.1 Base


This test case outlines a high-level approach to verifying the implementation of automated testing and quality assurance processes (limitations apply, see Remarks).


  1. The development team has implemented automated testing frameworks or tools.
  2. Initial automated test cases are created for critical functionalities.
  3. A quality assurance process is documented, outlining procedures for manual testing, defect tracking, and code review.

Test Steps

  1. Verify documentation:
    • Review the documented quality assurance process for clarity and completeness.
    • Ensure the process outlines procedures for different testing stages (e.g., unit testing, integration testing, regression testing).
  2. Test execution:
    • Observe the execution of automated tests
    • Verify that tests cover critical functionalities of the web application.
  3. Review test results:
    • Analyze the outcome of automated tests.
    • Ideally, a majority of tests should pass, indicating no critical issues.
  4. Defect management:
    • Simulate a scenario where an automated test fails.
    • Verify the process for reporting and tracking the identified defect.


  • The quality assurance process documentation is reviewed and approved.
  • Initial automated test cases are executed successfully.
  • A test failure scenario demonstrates a functional defect tracking process.

Determination of test results

Pass criteria

  • The quality assurance process documentation is clear and outlines a comprehensive testing strategy.
  • Automated tests cover critical functionalities of the web application.
  • The majority of automated tests pass upon execution.
  • A simulated test failure demonstrates a functional process for reporting and tracking defects.

Fail criteria

  • The quality assurance process documentation is missing crucial elements or lacks clarity.
  • Automated tests have significant coverage gaps for critical functionalities.
  • A high number of automated tests fail during execution.
  • The simulated test failure scenario reveals issues with defect reporting or tracking.