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ACCTEST109 - Acceptance Test: FEA109 Search location by name:

Test case description Testing that Feature FEA109 - Verify that users can search for locations by name
Test case ID ACCTEST003
Test case designer Topias Koskela
Creation date 23.2.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base

Test description / objective

This test aims to verify the functionality of Feature FEA109, which allows users to search for locations by name (as specified in US052).

  • Description

The test will confirm that users can successfully search for locations by entering their names into the search functionality provided by Feature FEA109.


The system is operational and accessible to users.

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Access the search functionality:

Step 2 -> Navigate to the designated search area for locations by name. Enter location name:

STep 3 -> Input a valid location name into the search field. Initiate search:

Step 4 -> Activate the search function to retrieve results based on the entered location name. Verify search results:

Step 5 -> Confirm that the system returns relevant and accurate results matching the entered location name.


After successful execution of the test, users should be able to search for locations by name using Feature FEA109, and the system should provide accurate and relevant results.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

PASS condition:

Users can successfully search for locations by name. The system returns accurate and relevant results based on the entered location name.


If any of the above steps fail, or the search functionality does not return accurate results, the test is considered unsuccessful.