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Test Case TC106 for FEA106 Improve dark mode colors

Test Case description Test that dark mode colors are improved for better legibility
Test Case ID TC106
Autohor/Designer Topias Koskela
Date of creation 22.3.2024
Class functional

Test description

Test that dark mode colors are improved for better legibility

Source for the test

Links to requirements

Test pre-state

  1. Turn down the brightness of the device so that text on gitlab is still barely readable.
  2. Open TukkoPress "ctrl + r" to force reload the page so that the latest version of Tukko is loaded.
  3. Follow the steps on Tutorial for Emulating vision deficiencies in chromium
  4. Turn on "reduced contrast" from the Emulating vision deficiencies dropdown menu.
  5. Map location should be near Helsinki.
  6. Make sure language is selected as English in Tukko. (Brittish flag can be seen in the lower right corner)

Test steps

Step and expected result

  1. Turn darkmode on in Tukko
  2. Navigate to Jyväskylä on the map.
  3. Find Mannila LAM station just north of Jyväskylä
  4. Open Mannila LAM station by clicking on it.
  5. Open any direction on the Mannila LAM station.
  6. Open history data
  7. Select vehicle counts in both direction.
  8. Select Time Range: today.
  9. Find out how many vehicles there were going two hours ago in both directions.

To be taken into account during test

You should have no trouble seeing everything even with low brightness and reduced contrast. This is to simulate someone with bad eyesight and a not so good device.

PASS/FAIL Criteria

  • PASS: If all steps were easy to complete and no eye squinting was done. Step 8 should produce exact numbers. The screen should stay mostly dark the whole time this test is being done.
  • FAIL: If any of the steps were hard to complete or if the step 8 didn't produce exact numbers. Test fails if at any point in the screen there is a large light colored area.