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ACCTEST106 - Acceptance Test: FEA106 Improve dark mode colors:

Test case description Verify that dark mode colors are improved for better legibility
Test case ID ACCTEST106
Test case designer Topias Koskela
Creation date 23.2.2024
Classification Acceptance Test

Update history

  • version 0.1 Base
  • version 0.2 Initial edit with some steps and links

Test description

This test is designed to validate the enhancements made to dark mode colors in Feature FEA106, focusing on improving legibility as specified in US045.

This test specifically verifies that Feature FEA106, aimed at improving dark mode colors, adheres to the requirements outlined in US045. The objective is to enhance the legibility of dark mode, contributing to an improved user experience.

Links to requirements or other sources


The application is in its standard state with dark mode activated.

Test Steps

Step 1 -> Open Tukko website.

Step 2 -> check if dark mode is turned on. If not turn it on.

Step 3 -> check if any large area is light colored on the website or the map.

Step 4 -> check on a city if the colors are good and readable

Step 5 -> check on a small village if the colors are good even there.

Step 6 -> check that when opening a traffic spot the pop-up has good colors for dark mode.


After successful execution of the test, it is expected that Feature FEA106 meets the specified requirements, providing improved legibility and an enhanced dark mode experience for users.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

PASS condition:

The dark mode colors are visibly improved for better legibility. User interface elements maintain clarity and readability with the enhanced dark mode colors.


If any of the above steps fail, indicating that the dark mode colors are not improved for better legibility, the test is considered unsuccessful.