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Installing on wm

While installing the readme from original dev team was used as base and modified based on teachers instructions Tukko was installed on ubuntu virtual machine on csc pouta service for students.

While installing node.js and npm make sure that the version number is the right one since ubuntu defaulted to much older version by default. Docker does not include docker compose which was used on this project and has to be installed separately from docker website

For copying frontend code on host machine git clone For copying backend on host machine git clone

npm install might be required on both frontend and backend folders

Both folders require .env file to build docker image. Files from original devs contain which needs renaming .env.example. To get tukko working the .env file on frontend folder requires ip address that connections from internet use to access the program. On csc pouta this was named floating ip.

building backend containers navigate to backend folder and use

sudo docker compose up -d
To build frontend container navigate to folder main folder from t02/tukko-traffic-visualizer-t-2 and use
sudo docker build -t tukko-frontend .

And to run frontend containers use

sudo docker run -d --name tukko-frontend -p 5173:80 tukko-frontend:latest

to list running containers

sudo docker container ls -a