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US045: Improve dark mode colors

  • Author: Thin Thu Thu Thaw
  • Date / Version: 23/02/2024

User roles

  1. User: The individual interacting with the application in dark mode.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Application is in dark mode.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. User presses the button "Dark mode":

The system applies the adjusted dark mode colors.


  • E1: Default color:

The user might need to switch on the "Dark mode" whenever he/she logs in as the system will always set it back to default.


  • Users successfully see the dark mode colors.

Use frequency

  • The use case is executed whenever users want to use the service in dark mode color.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.