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US037: Monitor server loads with a GUI

  • Author: Thin Thu Thu Thaw
  • Date / Version: 23/02/2024

User roles

User: The individual responsible for monitoring server loads.

Prerequisites / Conditions

Application is running.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. User selects "Monitor server loads with a GUI":

User initiates the process to monitor server loads using a graphical interface.

  1. System prompts for Server Load Parameters:

The system prompts the user to specify parameters for monitoring server loads.

  1. Users Configure GUI Settings:

Users configure settings for the graphical interface to display server loads.

  1. System Displays Real-time Server Loads:

The system displays real-time server loads using the configured GUI.

  1. Users Analyze Server Performance:

Users analyze the displayed server loads for performance assessment.

  1. End of Monitoring Process:

The monitoring process concludes.


  • E1: Invalid Server Load Parameters:

If the specified server load parameters are invalid, an error message is displayed.

  • E2: GUI Configuration Error:

If there is an error in configuring the GUI for monitoring, an error message is shown.


  • Users successfully monitor server loads in real-time using the graphical interface.

Use frequency

  • The use case is executed whenever users need to assess server performance.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.