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Leo Thompson - The Night Shift Worker

Name and Background:

  • Name: Leo Thompson
  • Background: Leo is a 35-year-old nurse working night shifts at a busy hospital. Leo's work involves commuting during unconventional hours.

Who does this profile represent?

  • Leo represents an end-user relying on Tukko for a smooth commute during night shifts.

Age Group:

  • 35 years old

Motivation for Service:

  • Leo's motivation is to have a reliable tool for checking real-time traffic conditions and planning a comfortable commute during late-night hours.


  • Leo values reliability and ease of use, especially during critical working hours. Tukko aligns with Leo's need for a stress-free commute.


  • Leo is proficient in using smartphone apps and appreciates features that enhance visibility during nighttime. Leo's work requires a dependable navigation tool.