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FAE514: Monitor server loads with a GUI

Feature ID FEA514
Subsystem the feature is part of Quality Assurance
Status X


Users can monitor server loads with a graphical user interface, allowing them to easily track and manage server performance.

ID Description
US037 Users can utilize a graphical interface to monitor server loads, enhancing system management.
FUNC-REQ-M0005 Server loads should be monitored with a graphical interface
  • As a user, I want to be able to monitor server loads with a graphical user interface, allowing me to easily track and manage server performance.

  • As an administrator, I want to be able to easily access and analyze server performance data through graphical representations for efficient server management.

  • The User Story related to Feature 514 has been entered directly into the Issue format and can be found at US037.

User Interface MockUp



  • write here
  • what has been the stages of your work
  • what happend and why
  • etc
  • bla bla

Testing / possible approval criteria

  • Record a few notes for testing *
Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Hyväksyntätesti
Functional System Test Case Testitapaus