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FEA510: Establish automated testing and quality assurance processes

Feature ID FEA510
Subsystem the feature is part of Quality Assurance
Status X


This feature introduces robust automated testing and quality assurance processes, enhancing the overall stability and reliability of Tukko. By implementing automated testing procedures, potential issues can be identified and addressed efficiently, ensuring a seamless and dependable user experience. Quality assurance processes are established to uphold high standards, contributing to the overall integrity and performance of the web application. This feature empowers both users and administrators by promoting transparency and reliability in the platform's functionality.

ID Description
US033 Users can set up automated testing and quality assurance processes for web app stability and reliability.
FUNC-REQ-T0004 Automated testing processes should be implemented for stability

As a user, I want to have confidence in the stability and reliability of the web application. With the automated testing and quality assurance processes in place, I expect a seamless experience without disruptions. Knowing that potential issues are proactively identified and resolved ensures that I can rely on the platform for my tasks and activities. This feature enhances the overall user satisfaction by providing a stable and dependable environment.

User Interface MockUp

MOCKUP will come here


  • write here
  • what has been the stages of your work
  • what happend and why
  • etc
  • bla bla

Testing / possible approval criteria

Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Acceptance test
Functional System Test Case Testcase