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FEA109: Search location by name

Feature ID FEA109
Subsystem the feature is part of UI/UX
Status X


Users can search for locations by name with this feature, making it easier to find specific locations quickly.

ID Description
US052 Users can search for locations by name, facilitating quick and easy location identification.
FUNC-REQ-S0002 Users should have the ability to search for locations by name
  • As a user, I want to be able to search for locations by their names, so I can quickly find the information I need .
  • As a user, I want the search results to be accurate and efficient, ensuring a seamless experience when locating specific places.

User Interface MockUp

  • Location searching button



  • write here
  • what has been the stages of your work
  • what happend and why
  • etc
  • bla bla

Testing / possible approval criteria

Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Acceptance test
Functional System Test Case Test case