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FEA106: Improve dark mode colors

Feature ID FEA106
Subsystem the feature is part of UI/UX
Status Implemented


This feature aims to improve the dark mode colors, making them less intense for a better user experience in low-light environments.

ID Description
US045 Users can request the improvement of dark mode colors, initiating the process to make them less intense.
FUNC-REQ-T0002 The system should allow users to toggle between light and dark modes
  • As a user, I want to be able to improve dark mode colors so that the interface is less intense on the eyes.
  • As an administrator, I want to ensure that the dark mode colors are adjusted to be more user-friendly for all users.
  • The User Story related to Feature 106 has been entered directly into the Issue format and can be found at US013.

User Interface MockUp

  • Color changing

Normal-mode-theme Dark-mode-improve


Color Scheme Modifications

In dark mode, we'll adjust the colors of specific elements to ensure better visibility and aesthetics while maintaining consistency with the overall design language.

  • Marker cluster color: Update the color of marker cluster icons to a darker shade that complements the dark mode theme.
  • Popups: Modify the background and text color of pop up to improve contrast and readability.

Testing / possible approval criteria

Test Case Description
Acceptance Test Case Acceptance Test
Functional System Test Case Test case