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Risk Management Plan

Document Risk Management Plan
Author: Thu Thu
Version: 0.2
Date: 05.02.2024
Risk ID Description Severity Probability Responsible Action in case the risk escalates
RIS01 Difficulty Predicting Project Time S3 P3 LEAD Review timelines, figure out why we missed, and adjust plans.
RIS02 Product Owner Sick Leave S3 P3 LEAD Temporarily share tasks, communicate clearly, and plan for unexpected absences.
RIS03 Team Members leave unexpectedly S3 P3 LEAD Assess impact, redistribute tasks, and consider recruiting or knowledge transfer.
RIS04 Requirements Not Meeting User Needs S3 P3 LEAD Double-check requirements, ask users for feedback, and tweak development plans.
RIS05 Unforeseen Changes in Technology S3 P2 DEV Keep an eye on updates, assess their impact, and make the needed adjustments.
RIS06 Delays in Feature Delivery S3 P3 LEAD Reevaluate schedules, spot bottlenecks, and adjust resources if features lag.
RIS07 Unfamiliarity with New Technologies S3 P3 DEV Share knowledge within team members, provide mentor's guidance, and equip them with necessary resources.
RIS08 Integration Challenges S2 P3 DEV Work together, conduct thorough testing, and have backup plans for integration hiccups.
RIS09 Worries about Data Security S3 P3 SEC Activate response plans, investigate and fix breaches, and keep stakeholders informed.
RIS10 Requirements Changing Often S2 P5 LEAD Sit down for a thorough review and adjust project scope as needed.
RIS11 Short on Resources S2 P4 OPS Shuffle resources around, negotiate for more, or find smart ways to save costs.
RIS12 Team Miscommunication S4 P3 Whole team Improve communication strategies and address misunderstandings promptly as a team.
RIS13 Overestimation of team members' skills S3 P2 Whole team Re-evaluate tasks, communicate with team and stakeholders.
RIS14 Team member is having technical difficulties S2 P2 Affected member The member tries to solve the problem. Team considers redistribution of work or alternative methods if the affected member can't resolve them.
RIS15 Not meeting deadlines S1 P2 Whole team Discuss and prioritize workload.
RIS16 Quality risks S2 P3 Project team member Project team member informs team leader if they find any defects or errors in the product.
RIS17 Keeping Tech Updated S3 P3 DEV Stay on top of tech updates, plan for upgrades, and have a backup plan for old tech quirks.

Severity descriptions

Severity class Description Other
S1 Critical - Project Halt Project comes to a complete stop
S2 Major - Significant Progress Impact Significant impact on progress
S3 Moderate - Manageable Impact Impact is moderate and manageable
S4 Minor - Minimal Disruption Disruption is minor
S5 Negligible - No Immediate Effect No immediate observable impact

Probability Description

Probability class Description Other
P1 Very likely - Frequent Occurs frequently
P2 Likely - Occurred before Has occurred before, may happen again
P3 Possible - Not common Possible but not a common occurrence
P4 Unlikely - Rarely occurs Rarely occurs
P5 Very unlikely - Hasn't occurred before Hasn't occurred before