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Project plan

Document Project Plan
Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Version: 1.0
Date: 16.2.2024

1. Assignment

1.1 background and starting points

In 2023, IoTitude team worked on a WIMMA Lab project for Combitech Oy, creating Tukko - Traffic Visualizer. Using public traffic data from Digitraffic, Tukko displays customizable maps with vehicle types and time options.

Now, our goal is to make Tukko even better. We're adding new features based on what the customer wants, aiming to improve the user experience and meet their specific needs.


  • Duck Tape Solutions
  • Combitech Oy, represented by Reima Parviainen as the product owner
  • Coach Marko Rintamäki

1.2 Goals and tasks

  • Optimize Tukko's interface to present analyzed data in user-friendly formats, improving accessibility and insights.
  • Improve Tukko's dark mode colors for improved legibility, aesthetics, and overall user satisfaction.
  • Introduce a feature allowing users to search for locations by name, promoing navigation and user convenience.
  • Improve color contrast to make Tukko accessible to users with color blindness, ensuring inclusivity and usability.
  • Implement automated testing processes to ensure the reliability and stability of Tukko, enhancing overall product quality.
  • Integrate server load monitoring with a graphical user interface, providing real-time insights to manage and optimize server performance.
  • Combine automated testing with manual and exploratory testing to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of Tukko's features.
  • Create and maintain clear documentation covering code, user guides, and system architecture for efficient collaboration, troubleshooting, and future development.

1.3 Limitations and interfaces


  • Technological constraints, the compatibility of web-based technologies, programming languages, and frameworks need careful adherence.
  • Time constraints are a significant factor, requiring careful planning to meet specified deadlines.
  • Resource limitations, including constraints on hardware, software, and human resources, may influence the project's scope and implementation.
  • Quality concerns arise from unresolved requirement definitions and a tight schedule, increasing the risk of insufficient testing.

Collectively, these factors underscore the importance of strategic management and proactive problem-solving throughout the project lifecycle.


  • System Interfaces: Specify data exchange protocols for seamless integration with external systems.

  • User Interfaces:

    • Optimize for user-friendly presentation of analyzed data, improving accessibility and insights.
    • Enhance dark mode colors for better clarity and user satisfaction.
    • Introduce location search for improved navigation and user convenience.
    • Improve color contrast for inclusivity and usability, especially for users with color blindness.
  • Testing Interfaces:

    • Implement automated testing for reliable and stable user interfaces.
    • Combine automated, manual, and exploratory testing for comprehensive evaluation.
  • Monitoring Interfaces:

    • Integrate server load monitoring with a graphical user interface for real-time insights.
  • Documentation Interfaces:

    • Create and maintain clear documentation for efficient collaboration, troubleshooting, and future development.

1.4 Rights and IPR

The project's rights and intellectual property rights (IPR) are subject to the terms outlined in the project agreement. In the absence of a distinct agreement, the project's rights align with the specifications in the project plan.

1.5 terms and definitions

The definitions, terms, and abbreviations utilized in the project plan are introduced here, promoting clarity in communication and averting potential misunderstandings. A shared comprehension of these terms among the Client (Combitech Oy), and the team (Duck Tape Solutions) is crucial.


  • Existing product with proven value: Tukko already exists and has been used by Combitech Oy, demonstrating its usefulness.
  • Public traffic data access: Utilizing Digitraffic data provides a reliable and comprehensive source of information.
  • Customization options: Tukko allows users to customize maps with vehicle types and timeframes, catering to specific needs.
  • Clear goals and tasks: The project has well-defined objectives and actionable tasks outlined.


  • Limited technology options: Compatibility constraints with web technologies, languages, and frameworks might restrict design choices.
  • Time pressure: Meeting deadlines could be challenging due to strict timeframes.
  • Resource limitations: Hardware, software, and personnel limitations might impact project scope and implementation.
  • Quality concerns: Unclear requirements and tight schedules might lead to insufficient testing and potential quality issues.


  • Enhanced user experience: Implementing new features like location search and improved accessibility can significantly improve user experience and potentially attracting a wider user base.
  • Server monitoring and optimization: Integrating server load monitoring can improve performance and stability.
  • Comprehensive testing: Combining automated and manual testing can ensure thorough evaluation of Tukko's functionalities.
  • Clear documentation: Creating and maintaining clear documentation improves collaboration, troubleshooting, and future development.
  • Customer feedback: Incorporating customer feedback can further refine Tukko to better meet their needs.


  • Data security risks: Public traffic data handling requires robust security measures.
  • Evolving user needs: User needs and expectations might change over time, requiring continuous adaptation.
  • Unforeseen challenges: Unexpected technical or resource issues could arise during development.

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Team Leader: Heidi Muurikainen - Oversee and coordinate the entire team's activities. - Ensure alignment with project goals and timelines. - Facilitate communication within the team and with stakeholders.

Test Manager: Topias Koskela - Manage and coordinate testing activities throughout the project lifecycle. - Develop and execute comprehensive test plans. - Collaborate with the team leader on decision-making related to testing.

Security Lead: Thin Thu Thu Thaw - Oversee safety considerations and protocols within the project. - Collaborate with the team leader on safety-related decisions.

Operations: Toni Hytönen - Supervising system infrastructure - Overseeing server configurations - Addressing operational challenges - Ensuring the availability and reliability of systems

Generalist: Teemu Kytölä - Engaging in diverse tasks, supporting various aspects of the project, and adapting seamlessly to changing project requirements.

Developer: Vu Tho - Core responsibilities involve crafting software solutions, collaborating with cross-functional teams, debugging and optimizing code, and adhering to best coding practices.

Decision-Making Process:

  • The project manager will prepare and present key decisions to the management team, collectively steering project directions and resolutions.
  • Regular team meetings promote open communication, allowing each team member to contribute.
  • In urgent scenarios, the team leader, Heidi Muurikainen, holds authority for swift decisions.
  • The decisions concerning testing are the responsibility of Test Manager Topias Koskela, making sure the finished product will be tested for the final iteration.

Project Group

Name Responsibility Company/Community LinkedIn
Heidi Muurikainen Team Leader Duck Tape Solutions LinkedIn
Topias Koskela Test Manager Duck Tape Solutions LinkedIn
Teemu Kytölä General Duck Tape Solutions LinkedIn
Toni Hytönen OPS Duck Tape Solutions LinkedIn
Thin Thu Thu Thaw Security Lead Duck Tape Solutions LinkedIn
Tho Vu Developer Duck Tape Solutions LinkedIn

The project team members will be responsible for various tasks related to the development and testing of the project.

Board Members

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Marko Rintamäki Project guidance JAMK
Reima Parviainen Decision-making, project guidance Combitech Oy
Heidi Muurikainen Decision-making Duck Tape Solutions

Support Group

The support group, consisting of additional project stakeholders like the customer (Combitech Oy) and external consultants, will offer guidance and assistance to the project team. Clear description of their specific roles and responsibilities will be provided accordingly.

Marko Rintamäki - Scrum Master

Marko is offering support for project-wide decisions and guidance in the methods and functionalities. He promotes effective communication between the project team and management, ensuring alignment with project goals and objectives.

Reima Parviainen - Product Owner

Reima is acting as the main liaison for customer interactions, collects and incorporates feedback and requirements from Combitech into the project's development process.

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

The project proceeds through a series of well-defined steps, encapsulated in Sprints. Each Sprint addresses specific task cases, marking key milestones, and strategically allocating resources and timelines. The project's financial objectives are estimated during Sprint planning, aligning with resource needs and project requirements.

2.4 Quality Verification

Quality assurance is ensured each Sprint, incorporating methods such as testing, automated processes, and documentation. Set standards ensure the project meets predefined goals, with approval procedures, change management, and risk management strategies defined.

2.5 Communication and Tracking of Project Progress

Ensuring the project's seamless progress, effective communication and progress tracking are of greatest importance. Initiatives to establish workspaces, communication channels, and documentation structures are undertaken in Sprint 00. Regular reporting and information-sharing mechanisms are defined and clear, ensuring transparency and collaboration.

2.6 The End of the Project

The culmination of the project is marked by Sprint 07, where the team finalizes documentation, deploys the updated Tukko for end-users, and oversees a seamless transition from development to production. Sprint 07 also addresses ongoing maintenance, filing, the preparation of a final report, and concludes with the official decision marking the formal end of the project.

GANT using PlantUML

uml diagram

Sprint Timeline:

Planning Phase (January 25 - February 23):

  • Scope & Deliverables: Define the project's boundaries, expected outcomes and outputs.
  • Roadmap & Resources: Craft a comprehensive plan with schedules, budgets, and resource allocation. Break down tasks and set realistic timelines.
  • Risk Management: Identify potential risks, assess their impact, and develop mitigation strategies.
  • Communication & Collaboration: Establish clear communication channels and tools for stakeholder engagement.
  • Documentation Standards: Create document templates and define standards for consistency.

Design/Implementation/Testing (February 26 - April 19):

  • Software Architecture: Design a robust and scalable architecture with flexible components.
  • Code Implementation: Implement solutions adhering to specifications and best practices. Ensure code is well-documented and testable.
  • Testing: Conduct unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing for quality assurance.
  • Bug Resolution: Promptly address and resolve bugs identified during testing.
  • Documentation: Document design decisions, rationale, and implementation details for future reference.

Finalizing documentation and deployment (April 15 - April 26):

  • Final touches to the actual feature implementations. Testing, bug reports and fixes.
  • Prepare for a demonstration of the enhanced Tukko.
  • Showcase the improvements made during the implementation and testing phases.
  • Gather feedback from stakeholders and team members.
  • Evaluate the solution's alignment with project goals.
  • Finalize all documentation in its final state.
  • Deploy the updated Tukko to be accessible for end-users.
  • Ensure a smooth transition from the development environment to the production environment.
  • Address any post-deployment issues and provide ongoing support.

3.2 Project cost estimate

The total cost of features presented below


A more detailed version can be found at Budget

4. Quality assurance

Product testing and quality assurance discussed in more detail under Test Management.

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

This structured approval procedure guarantees that project results meet high-quality standards and align with stakeholder expectations, resulting to overall project success. The approval process involves these key steps:

  1. Evaluation: Relevant stakeholders assess intermediate and final results, including project team members, clients, and other key members.

  2. Feedback: Stakeholder feedback is gathered and seamlessly integrated into the product, ensuring alignment with project requirements and objectives.

  3. Approval: The project manager, in collaboration with stakeholders, makes the final decision on approval based on established criteria and quality standards.

  4. Documentation: Approved results are documented and archived for future reference. This includes details of the approval process, involved stakeholders, and any comments or feedback.

4.2 Manage changes

In response to evolving project needs, our change management ensures seamless adjustments to practices and results. Proposals undergo a thorough impact assessment, gaining approval based on alignment with project goals. Transparent communication precedes effective implementation, with ongoing monitoring and concise documentation for continuous improvement.

4.3 Documentation

Project documentation incorporates GitLab and the Open Project Framework for test documentation. GitLab is utilized for maintaining the OPF project page, while a GitLab repository serves as a version control system for related purposes.

4.4 Risk management

4.5 Complementary plans for the project plan

5. Communication and tracking of project progression

5.1 Communication Plan

The project's Communication Plan is to ensure efficient and effective information flow. It ecovers various communication channels and tools, such as Discord for team interactions and Zoom for video meetings. Internal communication structures include regular Daily Scrums and Sprint Planning sessions, ensuring synchronized progress updates and workload assessment. Stakeholder communications involve close collaboration with Reimo Parviainen, the Product Owner, ensuring alignment with project objectives. The plan emphasizes continuous monitoring and evaluation, allowing for iterative adjustments based on feedback. The more detailed Communication Plan document can be found in Communication Plan

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

The project's culmination involves detailed documentation of the final product at an accessible level. This documentation not only serves as an introduction to the customer but may also include installation or commissioning services. In cases where project education is significant, such as when end-users are unfamiliar with the system, a detailed customer training plan is integrated. Additionally, the project plan incorporates an installation plan and deployment strategy to ensure a seamless transition from development to operational use.

6.2 Official termination of the project

The formal closure of the project necessitates clear criteria, covering factors like contract completion, completion of project outputs, customer acceptance, or the conclusion of the warranty period. Precise termination conditions, once established, require effective communication and strict adherence to ensure a smooth and well-defined conclusion to the project's lifecycle.

6.3 Termination

A closure seminar will be planned at a latter point.

6.4 Project Final Report

The final report for the project will be prepared in the last management team meeting. This document covers the project's goals, achievements, obstacles, lessons gleaned, and suggestions for the future. Serving as a valuable repository of information, it provides stakeholders with crucial insights, ensuring seamless information flow.