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Definition of Done

The development process involves a series of well-defined stages and milestones, with each task and goal aiming for successful completion. Central to this process is the concept of the Definition of Done (DoD), a set of collectively agreed-upon criteria that signifies the attainment of completion for a given objective.

The DoD establishes a shared understanding within the team, acting as a guiding framework to ensure that all requisite measures have been taken to ensure the quality outcome. Definition of Done includes the following criteria:

  1. Peer Verification: Ensure that each task undergoes thorough validation by at least two designated team members. This process is essential to guarantee the accuracy, quality, and adherence to established standards.

  2. User Story Assumptions: Validate and confirm that all assumptions articulated in the User Story are met. This step ensures alignment with the initial requirements and user expectations, contributing to a comprehensive and well-executed outcome.

  3. Unit Testing Compliance: Fully develop and execute unit tests to verify the robustness and reliability of the code. Successful outcomes, as per predefined test cases, demonstrate the integrity and functionality of the developed features, promoting a resilient product.

  4. Configuration and Build Documentation: Create comprehensive documentation that captures any configuration or build changes implemented during the development process. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for future reference, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

  5. Updated Documentation: Thoroughly update all relevant documentation to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the functionality and purpose of the increment. This step ensures that every team member comprehends the implemented changes, promoting knowledge transfer and collaboration.

  6. Task Completion: Ensure the resolution of all outstanding "to do" items associated with the task. This comprehensive approach guarantees that every aspect of the task is addressed, leaving no loose ends.

  7. Pull Request Clarity: Include a meaningful title and a detailed, valuable description in the pull request. This practice offers context and insight into the changes made, making the review process smooth and traceable, and enhancing overall transparency within the team.

  8. Bug Resolution: Thoroughly identify and rectify all reported bugs associated with the task. This approach ensures the delivery of a bug-free product, contributing to a high-quality end result and customer satisfaction.