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Communication Plan

Document Communication Plan
Author: Teemu Kytölä
Version: 0.1
Date: 29.1.2024


The purpose of this communication plan is to define the communication methods and channels used for Duck Tape Solutions. Clear and consistent communication ensures good information flow as well as helps to achieve project's quality objectives.


Project Stakeholders can be divided into four groups from the point of view of communication:

  1. Project group team members: Teemu Kytölä, Heidi Muurikainen, Topias Koskela, Tho Vu, Thin Thu Thu Thaw, Toni Hytönen
  2. Project manager(s) and Coaches: Marko Rintamäki
  3. Customer COMBITECH representatives: Reima Parviainen
  4. Information and communication technology students, JAMK IT Institute staff, various employers in the software industry

This plan provides the basis for communication between the project team and three other project stakeholders.

General Communications Channels

Duck Tape Solutions is using various forms of written and verbal communication: Discord, Teams, Email, Mural application and for customer meetings Zoom. Face to face meetings in Relaamo, located near Dynamo campus.

Written Communication Models

The document templates used in this project are templates from Open Project Framework. The digital document storage is GitLab repository shared among the project team members.

Internal Communications

We use Discord for internal communication (see section on internal communication) and for external communication, we use Teams and Zoom for meetings and email. We also receive ongoing instructions for the project through JAMK's Labranet GitLab.

Communications with Coaches

Project coaches primarily communicate through Zoom meetings, while Microsoft Teams serves as the platform for team-specific communication. Marko Rintamäki communicates general meeting dates via internal email and Discord. General meetings with coaches are scheduled on an as-needed basis, typically occurring on Mondays and Fridays.

Communications with Stakeholder Representatives

External communication for our project will primarily be carried out through our project's website, which will have a dedicated section for status updates. This will provide an easy way for external stakeholders, such as other projects and some members of our organization, to stay informed about the progress of our project.

Communications with External Stakeholders

Project team's own judgement is used with communicating with external stakeholders. Some of the external stakeholders (other projects, part of the department's staff..) have the opportunity to communicate via DISCORD. In addition, external stakeholders are provided information on the project's website.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Communications

The success of the communications are continuously evaluated during the project, especially during weekly coach meetings and as well as in communication studies. Any inconvenience will be addressed immediately and the communication plan modified if and / or necessary.


Original can be found here: