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Sprint 04

Author: Thin Thu Thu Thaw
Date: 11.3.2024

Achivements - We had our daily scrum and turned out that our team still feeling the level 4 out of 5 in "How are we doing?" - We got new issues opened for sprint 4, and we divided the tasks for the team for those in the progress. - We have documented the acceptance test cases and fixed all the broken links we found. - Documentation in product-brandbook has been started. - A draft release plan has been published. - Issues for test cases were created. Test cases TC002 and TC008 were planned by our test designer.

Challenges - Some links are not working or updating in the opf page , eventhough they work fine in git. - The color of some pins remain the same even after switching to the dark mode. Teemu, Toni and Tho have been working on this.

Next steps

We will continue next week with the remaining opened issues and our feature 106 will be published.

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 15.3.2024

Achivements The feature FEA106 Improve dark mode colors is ready for acception tests. Final touch ups for documentation for that and the final implementations we're made. Maintainable documentation feature is being done all the time, since all the feature documentation and code commenting are a part of that. Getting ready for the status check next Friday.

Challenges Realized the order of the feature implementations could have been a bit different, since both FEA106 Dark mode and feature FEA110 Color blindness accessibility are heavily linked together, and the color blindness should be taken into consideration in the dark mode as well. That has been now taken into account with further roadmap planning.

Next steps Moving on on Sprint 4 with the next features, FEA106 should be wrapped up and tested, and all issues related to that closed.

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 18.3.2024

Achivements Started the features FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness and FEA510 Establish automated testing and quality assurance processes. Lots of good ideas and planning on the color blindness accessibility, documentation on that is well on way.

Challenges The graphics of the original Tukko map were quite confusing and accessible colors on it doesn't look very aesthetic. Luckily that was quite nicely overcome with another tileset, Teemu did great job

Next steps Moving on with the color blindness feature, getting ready for the status check this week.

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 22.3.2024

Achivements The design for the color blindness feature are looking really nice, it will be good. Testing features are in progress, our test manager is studying a lot about testing. Documentation is progressing all the time. Everyone in the team are working really nicely, our team has a good overall spirit and understanding. Had the status check with the customer today, I think there might be some weighted dices involved since we were picked again for presentation. It went ok though, happy to show progress and get some feedback.

Challenges There has been some issues with the Tukko deployment and automating pipelines, the documentation from the previous project teams could be better. Our OPS Toni is working really hard to solve these problems.

Next steps Getting Tukko and the pipelines working nicely as soon as possible. Getting the color blindness feature completed and some final bugs found on the previous stuff fixed asap. Documentation feature is an ongoing process.