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Sprint 03

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 4.3.2024

Achivements Made a new roadmap and scheduling, made it more clear: our first timing had most of the features going on at the same time. We changed it now so, that features are worked mainly just one or two at the same time, it will be easier to focus on the work, instead of feeling overwhelmed with multiple tasks taking place at the same time. Then we divided the work on Sprint 3, made some plans about the upcoming features etc.

Challenges - Some issues with the Tukko deployment. - Lack of time.

Next steps

Completing issues on Sprint 3 to be ready by Friday. Getting Tukko deployed, documentation started and the first feature plans ready and starting implementation.

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 8.3.2024

Achivements - Tukko is now deployed successfully! - Features have been started, the FEA106 Dark mode is being assigned and designed. - Documentation feature FEA517 has been started by creating the framework for the documentation needed and some have been started. This is a feature that will be continuing through the project life span, so it is developing continuosly.

Challenges - There was some challenges with the deployment, but Toni managed to overcome them really well. - The master test plan needs work.

Next steps

Finishing the feature FEA106, finishing Master test plan. Everyone should start writing their learning diary.