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Sprint 02

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 16.2.2024


  • Most of the documentation for review are done, or well on way.
  • Risk management plan completed and discussed
  • Team introduction page and teams site updated more.
  • Created a shared excel for worktime reporting inside our team, so we can see the use of hours in one glance and in real time, and compare it to the time estimate we made.
  • Budget completed
  • Intensive studying about testing from our test manager and master test plan in progress


  • Due to personal life, we couldn't meet face to face as planned. Online communication is a lot quieter than face to face.

Next steps

The requirement specification needs to be finished, same as the feature pages, MockUps and product mindmap.

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 19.2.2024


  • Requirement specification done
  • Product mindmap done
  • Roadmapping completed and added to mindmap
  • Feature pages in progress


  • We still couldn't meet face to face as planned, so communication could be a bit more active.
  • Getting tukko running on virtual machine and all the prerequisites has been a slow process.

Next steps

  • Finishing everything before Friday and G1 review. Offer is still in progress, and the contract. Feature pages need to be finished.