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Sprint 01

Author: Heidi Muurikainen
Date: 2.2.2024


  • Most of the issues boarded on Sprint01 are under progress, or already waiting for review.
  • We have been familiarizing ourselves with the product, documentation, features and the techologies used.
  • We had a good discussion about the features, everyone started to familiriaze themselves individually with the introduced features. We then drew a list of features everyone think they could manage and found interesting. We took selected those features that were present in everyones list, and had a good discussion about what to choose and why. We also discussed the amount of features considering the amount of time, and all agreed on focusing on delivering quality over quantity.
  • The CSC project has been created, and the documentation has been started. The project plan draft is already quite well on way and the other documentations needed has been identified.
  • Communication plan has been made
  • Definition of Done has been made


  • Online meetings can sometimes lead to lack of communication sometimes
  • Some confusion on with the vastness of the material

Next steps Moving on on Sprint01.



  • Had a face to face meeting where we had planning poker considering the time estimation about working on the features. A lot of good conversation, there were clearly a lot of differencies between the opinions how long a feature would take.
  • Most of the issues on the Sprint01 issue board are well in progress, or waiting review.
  • Requirement specification started and well on way.


No major problems. Everyone has a lot of other courses and work, so timing can be a bit tricky sometimes.

Next steps

The project plan and the requirement specification and all the other documentation for G1 needs to be finished. We decided to meet face to face again as soon as possible. Moving on to sprint 2.